Saturday 15 September 2012

Update 15 September

Getting back into the photography now after a break due to work commitment and the Olympics.

It will not be full on for a few weeks as the training for New York marathon takes precedence but finishing Chapter 2 and getting a good review for the assignment certainly provides a boost.

Have not been entirely idle anyway on the photogprahy front. Completed the post processing for Scotalnd photos on Very pleased with some of these; there are some really cracking photos, especially the black and whites and some of the composites. Took a lot of time to use Photomatix, Sivler Efex Pro, and Topaz for many of the pictures. Cannot do this for all (although ideally one would) because of time. It has been a reminder of the power of these tools, especially the sharpening power of Topaz, as note din my notes on the Assignment.

Have taken the image for first exercise of Chapter 3.

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