Saturday 30 June 2012

British Journal of Photography iPad (continued)

But more traditionally, I like the still images of Peter Fraser included in his new project A City in the Mind on p26 He is fairly spiritual:

"My work takes advantage of upsurges of energy from the subconscious mind into the conscious mind. There's no way I can anticipate where that  will go." Perhaps that is just a way of saying that Fraser takes what he likes and lets others work out the significance or otherwise.

Interestingly, Fraser eschews film: "negatives were never designed to be cameras are designed to give you a digital file direct from real life."

One is left slightly puzzled by the subject matter of the images compared to the project title, as this image demonstrates:

Peter Fraser from A City in the Mind reproduced in BJP iPad version Summer 2012 p29

But there is no doubting Fraser's prowess as a photographer; these are excellent images, rich in colour and texture and lit perfectly